
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Images - An Overview
September 19th, 2006
ADA IV, Astronomical Data Analysis, 2006. Marseille, France, Invited talk.

The super-resolution reconstruction problem addresses the fusion of several low quality images into one higher-resolution outcome. A typical scenario for such a process could be the fusion of several video fields into a higher resolution output that can lead to high quality printout. The super-resolution result provides TRUE resolution, as opposed to the typically used interpolation techniques. The core idea behind this ability is the fact that higher-frequencies exist in the measurements, although in an aliased form, and those can be recovered due to the motion between the frames. Ever since the pioneering work by Tsai and Huang (1984), who demonstrated the core ability to get super-resolution, much work has been devoted by various research groups to this problem and ways to solve it. In this talk I intend to present the core ideas behind the super-resolution (SR) problem, and our very recent results in this field. Starting form the problem modeling, and posing the super-resolution task as a general inverse problem interpretation, we shall see how the SR problem can be addressed effectively using ML and later MAP estimation methods. This talk also show various ingredients that are added to the reconstruction process to make it robust and efficient. Many results will accompany these descriptions, so as to show the strengths of the methods.