
Recent Trends in Signal Representations and their Role in Image Processing
January 27th , 2005
Industrial Affiliate Program, CS department, The Technion. Invited Talk.

In signal and image processing, we often use transforms in order to simplify operations or to enable better treatment to the given data. A recent trend in these fields is the use of overcomplete linear transforms that lead to a sparse description of signals. This new breed of methods is more difficult to use, often requiring more computations. Still, they are much more effective in applications such as signal compression and inverse problems. In fact, much of the success attributed to the wavelet transform in recent years, is directly related to the above-mentioned trend. In this talk we will present a survey of this recent path of research, its main results, and the involved players and their contributions. We will discuss both the theoretic and the application sides to this field. No previous knowledge is assumed.

This talk has been also presented in the MVP seminar in Tel-Aviv Univeristy on May 25th, 2005.